i. p. a. s. for TRANSMISSIONS : Radio Art Lab
instant public address system
4.0 multi channel refurbished horn speaker system
at Windmill Hill City Farm, July 2024 presented by Brunswick Club, Bristol.
How can landscapes be understood through listening? Remote microphones broadcast in real-time from multiple locations enabling us to listen together through a custom-made outdoor PA system in the Garden Theatre. This temporary network of live audio streams amplifies and connects us to not-so-distant natural and urban sites in Bristol and further afield.
During the Radio Art Lab, we invited participants to think about and play with how signals are transmitted and received in the human and the more-than-human world, exploring radio art, sound art, eco-acoustics, theremins, detoxifying gardens, subversive streaming, pond dipping, weather instruments and listening together.
The weekend of workshops held on the farm includes installations RADIO AIR GARDEN by Magz Hall and INSTANT PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS by Lia Mazzari with a programme of talks and workshops including Bristol Communal Modular, Matt Davies, Thawney, Matthew Olden, Ian Thornhill, Ana Castro-Castellon, Teresa Dillon and Kathy Hinde.