Installation view at ‘Space Between’ group show, LCC (London) 2020

As part of the Rethinking Waste project at Lab13, an experimental design lab and learning space hosted at the Acorn Foundation in Dharavi, I was allowed to document the very spaces and cycles of waste production and recycling in Dharavi’s 13th Compound in Mumbai. Embedded in an area of the city that might be described as one of the largest informal aggregations of (re)maker and (re)manufacturing spaces on the planet, I listened with others to the daily work practices, recyling and materlial flows and (re)production and design of Compound13.
The recordings were taken after being invited to Lab 13 at Compound13 in Dharavi. Recording happened over a period of 2 weeks as part of a general documenting process of the onsite material flows of plastic recycling for Lab13.
Find more information about their work here.
Left image taken by Lia Mazzari
Right image taken in Dharavi, Mumbai by Benjamin Parry.
The recordings were taken after being invited to Lab 13 at Compound13 in Dharavi. Recording happened over a period of 2 weeks as part of a general documenting process of the onsite material flows of plastic recycling for Lab13.
Find more information about their work here.
Left image taken by Lia Mazzari
Right image taken in Dharavi, Mumbai by Benjamin Parry.